香港二手書 是一個免費平台,供用戶發佈訊息以出售 / 贈送 / 處置不再需要但對其他人仍然有用的個人物品。如用戶是銷售員,經銷商等人士, 在此進行兜售、推銷、宣傳等商業活動,有關的刊登訊息和帳戶會被删除。
- 上載、張貼、發送電子郵件或傳送任何非法、有害、脅迫、濫用、騷擾、侵害、中傷、粗俗、猥褻、淫穢、誹謗、侵害他人隱私、種族歧視、對未成年人有害或道德上令人不快的內容;
- 以任何方式冒充任何人或機構;
- 上載、張貼、發送電子郵件或傳送根據法律法規、合約或法定關系無權傳送的任何內容;
- 上載、張貼、發送電子郵件或傳送侵害任何人的任何專利、商標、商業秘密、著作權或其他專屬權利的內容;
- 上載、張貼、發送電子郵件或傳送設計目的用于干擾、破壞或限制任何電腦軟件、硬件或通訊設備功能的軟件病毒或其他電腦代碼、檔案和程序的任何資料;
- 干擾或破壞本網站網絡服務或與本網站相連線的服務器和網絡。
(最近更新 : 2022-11-10)
香港二手書 is a free platform for Users to post listings to sell / give away / dispose of their personal items which are no longer needed but still useful to other people. For those (e.g. salespeople, dealers) who sell, market or publicize their products on the Site, their listings and accounts will be deleted.
Registered Users can post / edit / delete / renew their listings for free. They can also use the built-in private message system to contact other registered users.
Users agree not to use the network services provided by the Site in any activity related to the following :
- Upload, post, email or transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, lewd, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, racially or ethnically discriminatory, harmful to minors or morally offensive;
- In any way impersonate any person or entity;
- Upload, post, email or transmit any content that Users are not entitled to in accordance with laws and regulations, contractual or fiduciary relationships;
- Upload, post, email or transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
- Upload, post, email or transmit any software virus or any other computer code, file or program designed to or which may interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or telecommunication equipment;
- Interrupt or destroy network services of the Site or the server and network connected with it.
Users in any case may not transfer or resell all of or part of the services offered by the Site.
The Site does not guarantee the quality, safety and legality of trading goods, and the authenticity of listing contents. Users should make their own judgement. Terms and method of deal are mutually agreed by the parties to the transaction, the Site shall not be liable.
The Site shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from use of the Site, nor in any way responsible for the conduct of Users, or information exchanged on the Site.
The Site has the right to terminate User’s account, delete or edit any content of Users.
The Site has the right to temporarily or permanently modify, suspend or terminate the services (or any part thereof) at any time.
The Site has the right to modify the content of this clause at any time.
(last modified : 2022-11-10)